

Relationships require a great deal of work, including an investment of time, good social skills and energy, to stay strong and go the distance. A healthy relationship with our loved ones, friends and work colleagues allow us to be most productive. These relationships can often be an important source of support, advice, guidance and love .
However, meaningful relationships are not automatic. Gaining happiness and fulfilment in a relationship requires us to put in the effort. Relationships can be very one-sided and if the two people are not seen as equals, problems can occur, recognising it is a two way street and finding a balance is important. Over time, as we learn new things we gain an understanding of the tipping point of how to achieve fulfilling and supportive relationships. 
However, sometimes relationships break down, for whatever reason, causing us to feel lonely, disappointed and unsure of ourselves. In some cases, our relationships may not be meeting our expectations, the affect being that it impacts our happiness and life satisfaction. For others, they may crave companionship yet find them very difficult to come by.
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